I am clearly the best at blog post titles. I am currently playing a game of "Food poisoning? COVID? Norovirus? SOMETHING??" that involves a sad amount of upset digestive system, including vomiting.In good news, I'm not Ginger from Ginger Snapped sick …
Some Important News (See: Prince of New York, middle of post, look for bold), Site will be under maintenance this weekend!
Greetings, folks. I hope I'm not bothering you with the frequency of posting, but I'm making some "quality of life" improvements for those of you who use my website. First, I'm starting with a collection of links for audiobooks by vendor. You can …
Audiobook Update
Greetings! I am working on updating the website with links to books by vendor. I have started with Chirp Books, as people are constantly telling me books that are on Chirp aren't on Chirp, and it's driving me out of my mind. Some books that …
A Few Things…
I'm just going to dive in for "funsies" while also sighing. 1: Book descriptions are often written before I actually start writing the book. Originally, my plan for Booked for Theft was to start with the declaration, but I found a better opener. I …
Booked for Theft is NOT the last book in the series…
This has always been, and always will be, a five book series. The next book will be entitled "Booked for Arson." Thank you. (And yes, rumors are being spread the series is over... that is not the case in the slightest.) For those of you …
Continue Reading about Booked for Theft is NOT the last book in the series…
Booked for Theft has released! (Plus Faith Hunter responded to my latest short story challenge!)
A year after the assassination of Senator Maybelle, President Castillo makes a declaration that shakes the United States of America to its core: the presidential election is to be postponed for a period of three years to investigate the deaths of …